How to pronounce Estate?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Estate in Tbilisi, Georgia, and Wellington, New Zealand

Estate is pronounced as

es tA te

Estate is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ es tA te ]


Georgian, Greek


Established, well founded

Additional Information:

The name exists in the form Eustace in Irish and French culture. This form also originated from Greek names Eustacio, Eustachius, and more modern, Stasis.

There was a famous medieval outlaw Eustace the Monk


Pronunciation of Estate in Tbilisi, Georgia, and Wellington, New Zealand

es -- "e" as in "education", "Edward"
ta -- "a" as in "but", gut"
te -- "e" here as above


Georgian, Greek


Established, well founded

Additional Information:

The name exists in the form Eustace in Irish and French culture. This form also originated from Greek names Eustacio, Eustachius, and more modern, Stasis.

There was a famous medieval outlaw Eustace the Monk
