How to pronounce Chukwusomebi?

1 entry

Pronunciation of Chukwusomebi in Nigeria

The "Ch" has a tch sound but possibly without the T in it as the name is quite complicated.
The "Kwu" is like saying "coo" but with a w stashed somewhere in between.
The "Me" definitely sounds like the English word "May " .

Type of Name:

First name


Nigerian (Igbo)


God lives with me

Additional Information:

The name is a unisex name that does not really have to do with religion as one who isn't christian can bear the name.
Since the name is sometimes a handful to pronounce at once , people of the Igbo tribe and the other tribes in Nigeria sometimes choose to shorten it to Chisom. The nickname Chisom has a similar meaning and can be a nickname for many other names with similar meanings.
