How to pronounce Vlotman?

3 entries

Pronunciation of Vlotman

Vlotman is pronounced as

The V is Pronounced as F, Like "Flotman"(It's Spelled Like Vlotman). The OT is Pronounced as AUT, Like "Flautman" (It's Spelled Like Vlotman). The A is Pronounced as U, Like "Flautmun" (It's Spelled Like Vlotman). This Name is a South African Surname.

v sounds like the 'v' in 'very'
as sounds like the 'as' in 'gas'

Vlotman is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ The V is Pronounced as F, Like "Flotman"(It's Spelled Like Vlotman). The OT is Pronounced as AUT, Like "Flautman" (It's Spelled Like Vlotman). The A is Pronounced as U, Like "Flautmun" (It's Spelled Like Vlotman). This Name is a South African Surname. ]

V as as as
very gas gas gas


Pronunciation of Vlotman

The V is Pronounced as F, Like "Flotman"(It's Spelled Like Vlotman). The OT is Pronounced as AUT, Like "Flautman" (It's Spelled Like Vlotman). The A is Pronounced as U, Like "Flautmun" (It's Spelled Like Vlotman). This Name is a South African Surname.


Pronunciation of Vlotman in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

The V is Pronounced as F, Like "Flotman"(It's Spelled Like Vlotman). The OT is Pronounced as AUT, Like "Flautman" (It's Spelled Like Vlotman). The A is Pronounced as U, Like "Flautmun" (It's Spelled Like Vlotman). This Name is a South African Surname.

Type of Name:

Last Name


South African


Vlot Man

Additional Information:

A Man Carried People From 1 Side of a River to Another by Boat/Vlot (A Vlot is a Boat in South Africa), So People Named Him "Vlotman"
