How to pronounce Tymoteusz?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Tymoteusz in Poland

Tymoteusz is pronounced as

Tih maw teh oosh

Tymoteusz is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ Tih maw teh oosh ]

Type of Name:

First name



Additional Information:

There are no pronounciation variations. The name gets shortened to Tymek but unless you are close friends or family, or you were asked to use the shortened version do not shorten this name.


Pronunciation of Tymoteusz in Poland

Timoteoosh i like in Tim o like in don e like in red oo like in loose sh like in harsh

Type of Name:

First name



Additional Information:

There are no pronounciation variations. The name gets shortened to Tymek but unless you are close friends or family, or you were asked to use the shortened version do not shorten this name.
