How to pronounce Stàjha?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Stàjha in Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica.

Stàjha is pronounced as


Stàjha is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ Stá-jha ]

Type of Name:

First Name



Alternate Spelling(s):

No other spellings

Additional Information:

Letter S: Positive: Strong feelings, Magnetic,Attracts money,Energetic.
Negative: Impulsive.

Letter T:Positive: Active. Emotionally expressive. Restless. Spiritual. Strong. Determined.
Negative: Easily influenced.

Letter A: Positive: Leader. Confident. Adventurous. Determined. Enterprising. Courageous.
Negative: Arrogant.

letter J: Positive: Truthful. Helpful. Intelligent. Well-meaning. Reliable. Clever.
Negative: Lazy.

letter H: Positive: Successful. A natural money maker. Business acumen. Nature lover. Self-contained.
Negative: Self-absorbed.

This is the astrological meaning for the name astrological meaning for the name Stájha.


Pronunciation of Stàjha in Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica.

(stAY-jha) stÁ-jha

Type of Name:

First Name



Alternate Spelling(s):

No other spellings

Additional Information:

Letter S: Positive: Strong feelings, Magnetic,Attracts money,Energetic.
Negative: Impulsive.

Letter T:Positive: Active. Emotionally expressive. Restless. Spiritual. Strong. Determined.
Negative: Easily influenced.

Letter A: Positive: Leader. Confident. Adventurous. Determined. Enterprising. Courageous.
Negative: Arrogant.

letter J: Positive: Truthful. Helpful. Intelligent. Well-meaning. Reliable. Clever.
Negative: Lazy.

letter H: Positive: Successful. A natural money maker. Business acumen. Nature lover. Self-contained.
Negative: Self-absorbed.

This is the astrological meaning for the name astrological meaning for the name Stájha.
