How to pronounce Stierheim?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Stierheim in pittsburgh , pa usa

Stierheim is pronounced as

s t ee er h ay m

s sounds like the 's' in 'so'
t sounds like the 't' in 'to'
ee sounds like the 'ee' in 'see'
er sounds like the 'ur' in 'hurt'
h sounds like the 'h' in 'hat'
ay sounds like the 'ie' in 'tie'
m sounds like the 'm' in 'me'

Stierheim is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ s t ee er h ay m ]

s t ee er h ay m
so to see hurt hat lie me

Type of Name:

last name



Additional Information:

original ancestor supposedly fled Austria with name Von STern and it was changed to this when they came to America


Pronunciation of Stierheim in pittsburgh , pa usa

steer highm

Type of Name:

last name



Additional Information:

original ancestor supposedly fled Austria with name Von STern and it was changed to this when they came to America
