How to pronounce Pierre Savorgnan De Brazza?

1 entry

Pronunciation of Pierre Savorgnan De Brazza in Italy


The Italian pronunciation of Pierre Savorgnan De Brazza is

pee·ehr·rai  saa·vohr·nyaan  deh  braat·saa  

p sounds like the 'p' in 'pet'
ee sounds like the 'ee' in 'see'
eh sounds like the 'e' in 'pet'
r sounds like the 'r' in 'rat'
aa sounds like the 'a' in 'car'
v sounds like the 'v' in 'very'
oh sounds like the 'o' in 'so'
n sounds like the 'n' in 'no'
y sounds like the 'y' in 'yes'
t sounds like the 't' in 'to'
s sounds like the 's' in 'so'

Hindi/Devanagari transliteration:

The closest approximation of the Italian pronunciation of 'Pierre Savorgnan De Brazza' in Hindi/Devnagiri script is

पिएर्रे सावोर्न्यान दे ब्रात्सा


