How to pronounce Ouagadougou?

3 entries

Pronunciation of Ouagadougou in Arlington, VA, USA

Ouagadougou is pronounced as

w ah g ah d oo g oo

w sounds like the 'w' in 'win'
ah sounds like the 'a' in 'car'
g sounds like the 'g' in 'go'
d sounds like the 'd' in 'do'
oo sounds like the 'oo' in 'food'

Ouagadougou is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ w ah g ah d oo g oo ]

w ah g ah d oo g oo
win car go car do food go food

Type of Name:

Capital of Burkina Faso


Pronunciation of Ouagadougou in Arlington, VA, USA

wa ga do goo
wa pronounced as 'wa' in 'water'
ga pronounced as 'ga' in 'gaga'
do pronounced like the verb 'do'
goo pronounced as 'goo' in gooey

Type of Name:

Capital of Burkina Faso


Pronunciation of Ouagadougou in Philippines

Ouagadougou is pronounced as

w aa - g uh - D OO - g oo

w sounds like the 'w' in 'win'
aa sounds like the 'a' in 'car'
g sounds like the 'g' in 'go'
uh sounds like the 'u' in 'up'
d sounds like the 'd' in 'do'
oo sounds like the 'oo' in 'food'

Ouagadougou is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ w aa - g uh - D OO - g oo ]

w aa - g uh - D OO - g oo
win car   go up   do food   go food

Type of Name:

Name of Capital


Burkinabe, Burkinabé

Additional Information:

Capital of Burkina Faso
