How to pronounce Nanaimo?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Nanaimo in Victoria, BC, Canada

Nanaimo is pronounced as

nuh NYE mo

Nanaimo is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ nuh NYE mo ]

Type of Name:

City in British Columbia, Canada


First Nations

Additional Information:

Pronounce the first syllable like duh, not nah. Home of the famous delicious dessert, the Nanaimo Bar.


Pronunciation of Nanaimo in Victoria, BC, Canada

nuh NYE mo

Type of Name:

City in British Columbia, Canada


First Nations

Additional Information:

Pronounce the first syllable like duh, not nah. Home of the famous delicious dessert, the Nanaimo Bar.


Similar sounding names

  • Naomi
  • Noah
  • Nye
  • Neena
  • Neha
  • Nemo
  • Newman
  • Nau
  • Niomi
  • Niemi