How to pronounce Jaggy?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Jaggy in America

Jaggy is pronounced as

Jah GEE — jah as in jaguar and gee as in glee without the L.

as sounds like the 'as' in 'gas'
in sounds like the 'in' in 'pin'

Jaggy is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ Jah GEE — jah as in jaguar and gee as in glee without the L. ]

as in as in
gas pin gas pin

Type of Name:

First Name



Alternate Spelling(s):



Perfect, good person.

Additional Information:

Usually a dark haired person with either black or brunette hair but it can be a light haired person. Usually only used in America on Ireland. Usually born in spring (parents do that on perpose) and is a good name for a young girl.


Pronunciation of Jaggy in America

Jah-gee — jah as in jaguar and gee as in glee without the second letter (L)

Type of Name:

First Name



Alternate Spelling(s):



Perfect, good person.

Additional Information:

Usually a dark haired person with either black or brunette hair but it can be a light haired person. Usually only used in America on Ireland. Usually born in spring (parents do that on perpose) and is a good name for a young girl.


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