How to pronounce Eseld?

1 entry

Pronunciation of Eseld in Chicago, Illinois, USA

Eseld is pronounced as

eh s eh l d

eh sounds like the 'e' in 'pet'
s sounds like the 's' in 'so'
l sounds like the 'l' in 'let'
d sounds like the 'd' in 'do'

Eseld is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ eh s eh l d ]

eh s eh l d
pet so pet let do

Type of Name:

First name


Cornish, German




Cornish version of Isolde, possible meaning "ice battle"

Additional Information:

In Arthurian legend she was an Irish princess betrothed to King Mark of Cornwall. She became the lover of his knight Tristan, which led to their tragic deaths. The story was popular during the Middle Ages and the name became relatively common in England at that time. It was rare by the 19th century, though some interest was generated by Richard Wagner's opera 'Tristan und Isolde' (1865).
