How to pronounce Deborra?

3 entries

Pronunciation of Deborra in canada

Deborra is pronounced as D eh B or rah

d is pronounced as d in do
eh is pronounced as e in pet
b is pronounced as b in bat
or is pronounced as or in for

Deborra is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ D eh B or rah ]

D eh B or
do pet bat for

Type of Name:

variant of Deborah also pronounced deborra


hebrew; scottish



Alternate Spelling(s):

Deborah, Devorah


bee; prophetess in bible

Additional Information:

Deborah is not pronounced D eh B uh ra but has become this because it gets mixed up with Debra; which is a shorter variant and the lazy/easier way of saying Deborah;
Deborah and Debra may mean the same thing but are not pronounced the same - my grandmother named me - she was of Scottish and Hebrew ancestry and this is how she pronounced the name she gave me. I personally hate the confusion because my name is shortened to Debbie which is not my name, and this annoyed my grandmother. I was named after a Jewish relative. Also another variant is Devorah, which is pronounced D eh V or ah. The pronunciation of Deborah as Debra has become commonplace in our modern society but that does not make it correct nor right. If you want to name your child De B uh R ah then name them Debra which is pronounced D eh B ub r ah.


Pronunciation of Deborra in canada

d eh b ow r ah

Type of Name:

variant of Deborah also pronounced deborra


hebrew; scottish



Alternate Spelling(s):

Deborah, Devorah


bee; prophetess in bible

Additional Information:

Deborah is not pronounced D eh B uh ra but has become this because it gets mixed up with Debra; which is a shorter variant and the lazy/easier way of saying Deborah;
Deborah and Debra may mean the same thing but are not pronounced the same - my grandmother named me - she was of Scottish and Hebrew ancestry and this is how she pronounced the name she gave me. I personally hate the confusion because my name is shortened to Debbie which is not my name, and this annoyed my grandmother. I was named after a Jewish relative. Also another variant is Devorah, which is pronounced D eh V or ah. The pronunciation of Deborah as Debra has become commonplace in our modern society but that does not make it correct nor right. If you want to name your child De B uh R ah then name them Debra which is pronounced D eh B ub r ah.


Pronunciation of Deborra

My name is spelled DeBorah and is pronounced De Bo Rah. My nickname is spelled DeBee. It is pronounced De Bee. It is a biblical name for the nurse of Rebekah, as a judge and profittess. She called upon Barak and ordered him to go to battle with the Canaanites. She was a brave and powerful leader. I'm proud of my name and will always be. I am. De Bo Rah.


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