How to pronounce Coralee?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Coralee in Canada, Alberta

Coralee is pronounced as

Coralee: Core ah lee

ah sounds like the 'a' in 'car'

Coralee is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ Coralee: Core ah lee ]


Type of Name:

First Name


Greek, and Latin

Alternate Spelling(s):

Koralee, Coralie


Coralee means maiden

Additional Information:

Derived from the Greek Korē, which is from korē (maiden). The name is borne in Roman mythology as a byname for Proserpina and in Greek mythology as a byname for Persephone.


Pronunciation of Coralee in Canada, Alberta

Coralee (Core-Ah-Lee)
Core - rhymes with poor
Ah - Pronounced like the 'A' in and
Lee - Pronounced like coli in bro(coli)

Type of Name:

First Name


Greek, and Latin

Alternate Spelling(s):

Koralee, Coralie


Coralee means maiden

Additional Information:

Derived from the Greek Korē, which is from korē (maiden). The name is borne in Roman mythology as a byname for Proserpina and in Greek mythology as a byname for Persephone.
