How to pronounce Badã­?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Badã­ in Cali, Colombia

Badã­ is pronounced as

b ae d EE

b sounds like the 'b' in 'bat'
ae sounds like the 'a' in 'at'
d sounds like the 'd' in 'do'
ee sounds like the 'ee' in 'see'

Badã­ is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ b ae d EE ]

b ae d EE
bat at do see

Type of Name:

First or second


Persian, Bahá'í




new, unique, wondrous

Additional Information:

"Áqá Buzurg-i-Nishapuri, known to most western Bahá'ís as Badí', was born in 1853, the son of Hájí 'Abdu'l-Majid-i-Nishapuri, known as Aba Badí' (Father of Badí')."*

He is known for delivering a special tablet to Nasíri d-Din Shah of Persia on behalf of Bahá'u'lláh. Upon delivering the tablet, which contained a message of love and peace, the Shah ordered for Badí to recant his Faith (Bahá'í Faith) or to be executed. The youthful Badí was executed after being tortured and interrogated.

Bahá'u'lláh states of Badí: "the Temple of the Cause of God was adorned by Badí'. The pillars of tyranny were shaken and the countenance of victory unveiled itself. Badí' had attained to such heights in the world above that no mention could be made of it."*



Pronunciation of Badã­ in Cali, Colombia


Type of Name:

First or second


Persian, Bahá'í




new, unique, wondrous

Additional Information:

"Áqá Buzurg-i-Nishapuri, known to most western Bahá'ís as Badí', was born in 1853, the son of Hájí 'Abdu'l-Majid-i-Nishapuri, known as Aba Badí' (Father of Badí')."*

He is known for delivering a special tablet to Nasíri d-Din Shah of Persia on behalf of Bahá'u'lláh. Upon delivering the tablet, which contained a message of love and peace, the Shah ordered for Badí to recant his Faith (Bahá'í Faith) or to be executed. The youthful Badí was executed after being tortured and interrogated.

Bahá'u'lláh states of Badí: "the Temple of the Cause of God was adorned by Badí'. The pillars of tyranny were shaken and the countenance of victory unveiled itself. Badí' had attained to such heights in the world above that no mention could be made of it."*



Similar sounding names

  • Bode
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  • Bhatti
  • Bhatt
  • Bedi
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  • Battie
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  • Bhatia