How to pronounce Rupain?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Rupain in Delhi, INDIA

Rupain is pronounced as

rUh paInn

Rupain is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ rUh paInn ]

Type of Name:

First Name




in someone's face or a huge collection of money.

Additional Information:

this word is originated by Sanskrit language, Rupain made up by two words roop meaning "face" characteristics and second one is "aen" meaning "in" combine to make a new word rupain which means in someone's face.
second interpretation is that rupain is made up by sanskrit word unlike to previous one, which is rupayee meaning rupee refers to the bulk of money.


Pronunciation of Rupain in Delhi, INDIA


Type of Name:

First Name




in someone's face or a huge collection of money.

Additional Information:

this word is originated by Sanskrit language, Rupain made up by two words roop meaning "face" characteristics and second one is "aen" meaning "in" combine to make a new word rupain which means in someone's face.
second interpretation is that rupain is made up by sanskrit word unlike to previous one, which is rupayee meaning rupee refers to the bulk of money.
