How to pronounce Kimberle?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Kimberle in St. Paul / Minneapolis, Minnesota

Kimberle is pronounced as

K IH M - b u r - l ee

k sounds like the 'k' in 'key'
ih sounds like the 'i' in 'it'
m sounds like the 'm' in 'me'
b sounds like the 'b' in 'bat'
r sounds like the 'r' in 'rat'
l sounds like the 'l' in 'let'
ee sounds like the 'ee' in 'see'

Kimberle is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ K IH M - b u r - l ee ]

K IH M - b r - l ee
key it me   bat rat   let see

Type of Name:

First name


My parents rendition of old English


Male, Female

Alternate Spelling(s):

Kimberly Kimberlee. Kimberleigh kimberlie Kimberliee. Kimberley


Royal fortress meadow or wood. Chief of the tribe. Brave.

Additional Information:

I can't seem to find the spelling of my name; Kimberle, anywhere in books, or on the Internet.
I'm 60 years old and It seems my parents just spelled it that way.


Pronunciation of Kimberle in St. Paul / Minneapolis, Minnesota

Pronounced the same as Kimberly
Accent is on the first syllable, "Kim"

Type of Name:

First name


My parents rendition of old English


Male, Female

Alternate Spelling(s):

Kimberly Kimberlee. Kimberleigh kimberlie Kimberliee. Kimberley


Royal fortress meadow or wood. Chief of the tribe. Brave.

Additional Information:

I can't seem to find the spelling of my name; Kimberle, anywhere in books, or on the Internet.
I'm 60 years old and It seems my parents just spelled it that way.
