How to pronounce Housam?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Housam

Housam is pronounced as

HOO - sam

Housam is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ HOO - sam ]


Type of Name:

First Name, Last Name




The sword that wins the battle

Additional Information:

The sword has about 100 names in Arabic, and that comes according to what this sword does, where is it from, and the type of metal used in it.

Housam, starts with the sixth letter of Arabic alphabet which is ح, which sounds like a deep H in the throat.


Pronunciation of Housam

HOO - rhymes with 'who'

Type of Name:

First Name, Last Name




The sword that wins the battle

Additional Information:

The sword has about 100 names in Arabic, and that comes according to what this sword does, where is it from, and the type of metal used in it.

Housam, starts with the sixth letter of Arabic alphabet which is ح, which sounds like a deep H in the throat.
