How to pronounce Claerr?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Claerr in Michigan USA

clair clare

Type of Name:

Last name


Alsace, France

Alternate Spelling(s):

Clar, Claer,Cler, Clerc


derived from the French "Clerc", and educated person, or a cleric. Altered in the German occupation to Klarr, and then returned to Claer(r)

Additional Information:

The Claerr name came to Alsace in 1628 with Jean-Pierre Cler, an apothecary born in Franche-Comte,a neighboring area of France.


Pronunciation of Claerr in Michigan USA

Claerr is pronounced as


Claerr is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ KLAIR ]

Type of Name:

Last name


Alsace, France

Alternate Spelling(s):

Clar, Claer,Cler, Clerc


derived from the French "Clerc", and educated person, or a cleric. Altered in the German occupation to Klarr, and then returned to Claer(r)

Additional Information:

The Claerr name came to Alsace in 1628 with Jean-Pierre Cler, an apothecary born in Franche-Comte,a neighboring area of France.
