How to pronounce Bicknell?

1 entry

Pronunciation of Bicknell in Marshfield, Massachusetts USA

BIK nul (one side of the family says this)

Bik NEL (the other side says this



Additional Information:

This family arrived in Weymouth, MA shortly after the Mayflower. There's a Bicknell Square and a Bicknell monument in the cemetery there. 3 towns in the US are named Bicknell: one in California (inaccessible because it's locked up on a government-secured site), one in Indiana, and one in Utah. The one in Utah got its name from a New England Bicknell who offered to bequeath his library to any town in the US that would name itself after him. This town did so, but when the library arrived, the books were moldy and pretty useless. They kept the name but are not too proud of it.
