How to pronounce Ycaro?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Ycaro in Seminole, Florida, US


Type of Name:

icarian sea


Greek Mythology Icarus

Alternate Spelling(s):

Ycaro Ickaro Icaro Ikaro Ycarro Ikario


translation originates in Greece from Icarus which means "Follower" personally i don't approve but it is what it is.I would prefer "Leader"

Additional Information:

In Greek mythology, Icarus and his father Daedalus were imprisoned in the Labyrinth by King Minos. They created wings made of wax to escape, but Icarus flew too close to the sun, causing the wax to melt and plunging him to his death. Icarus fell into the sea which now bears his name, the Icarian Sea near Icaria, an island southwest of Samos, Greece.


Pronunciation of Ycaro in Seminole, Florida, US


Type of Name:

icarian sea


Greek Mythology Icarus

Alternate Spelling(s):

Ycaro Ickaro Icaro Ikaro Ycarro Ikario


translation originates in Greece from Icarus which means "Follower" personally i don't approve but it is what it is.I would prefer "Leader"

Additional Information:

In Greek mythology, Icarus and his father Daedalus were imprisoned in the Labyrinth by King Minos. They created wings made of wax to escape, but Icarus flew too close to the sun, causing the wax to melt and plunging him to his death. Icarus fell into the sea which now bears his name, the Icarian Sea near Icaria, an island southwest of Samos, Greece.
