How to pronounce Vialfre' Viu'? | |
1 entry |
Pronunciation of Vialfre' Viu' in Italy
The Italian pronunciation of Vialfre' Viu' is
vee·aal·frai vee·oo
v | sounds like the | 'v' | in 'very' | |
ee | sounds like the | 'ee' | in 'see' | |
aa | sounds like the | 'a' | in 'car' | |
l | sounds like the | 'l' | in 'let' | |
f | sounds like the | 'f' | in 'fan' | |
r | sounds like the | 'r' | in 'rat' | |
oo | sounds like the | 'oo' | in 'food' |
Hindi/Devanagari transliteration:
The closest approximation of the Italian pronunciation of 'Vialfre' Viu'' in Hindi/Devnagiri script is
विआल्फ्रे वीउ
Type of Name:
Name of a commune in Italy
Additional Information:
Located in the province of Torino, in the Piedmont region of Italy
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