How to pronounce Venkatachalam?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Venkatachalam


Venkatachalam is pronounced as

v eh nk - uh - t ah - ch uh - l uh m

v sounds like the 'v' in 'very'
eh sounds like the 'e' in 'pet'
nk sounds like the 'nk' in 'ink'
uh sounds like the 'u' in 'up'
t sounds like the 't' in 'to'
ah sounds like the 'a' in 'car'
ch sounds like the 'ch' in 'chin'
l sounds like the 'l' in 'let'
m sounds like the 'm' in 'me'

Venkatachalam is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ v eh nk - uh - t ah - ch uh - l uh m ]

v eh nk - uh - t ah - ch uh - l uh m
very pet ink   up   to car   chin up   let up me

Type of Name:

Last Name




Pronunciation of Venkatachalam in India

Venkatachalam is pronounced as

v ai nk uh t uh ch uh l uh m

v sounds like the 'v' in 'very'
ai sounds like the 'ai' in 'pain'
nk sounds like the 'nk' in 'ink'
uh sounds like the 'u' in 'up'
t sounds like the 't' in 'to'
ch sounds like the 'ch' in 'chin'
l sounds like the 'l' in 'let'
m sounds like the 'm' in 'me'

Venkatachalam is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ v ai nk uh t uh ch uh l uh m ]

v ai nk uh t uh ch uh l uh m
very pain ink up to up chin up let up me




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  • Vengadasalam
  • Vengadajellum