How to pronounce Tioram?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Tioram

Tioram is pronounced as

ch ee r uh m

ch sounds like the 'ch' in 'chin'
ee sounds like the 'ee' in 'see'
r sounds like the 'r' in 'rat'
uh sounds like the 'u' in 'up'
m sounds like the 'm' in 'me'

Tioram is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ ch ee r uh m ]

ch ee r uh m
chin see rat up me


Pronunciation of Tioram in Currently Australia, formerly Scotland


although in the Scottish highlands, where Castle Tioram is located, the ch sounds more like a tch and the ee sounds more like a short i (like "tchirrum")

The name means 'dry or barren' in Scottish Gaelic.

My son (born 1999) is named Tioram. Do you know any other Tiorams?

Type of Name:

Name of a Castle in Scotland


Scottish Gaelic


Dry or Barren

Additional Information:

My son is named after the castle on the Ardnamurchan Peninsula on the West Coast of Scotland.

The castle is thus named due to the fact that it is surrounded by sea when the tide is in.

Do you know anyone named Tioram?
