How to pronounce Styrk?

1 entry

Pronunciation of Styrk in Scandinavia

Styrk is pronounced as

Styrk=Stirk or Sturk, the "Y" is pronounced as if it was an "I" or a "U" instead of a Y, in the same context. Styrk should be pronounced like the name "Turk", just with an "S" added to the beginning of the word.

or sounds like the 'or' in 'for'
as sounds like the 'as' in 'gas'
it sounds like the 'it' in 'sit'
an sounds like the 'an' in 'can'
in sounds like the 'in' in 'pin'

Styrk is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ Styrk=Stirk or Sturk, the "Y" is pronounced as if it was an "I" or a "U" instead of a Y, in the same context. Styrk should be pronounced like the name "Turk", just with an "S" added to the beginning of the word. ]

or as it an or in an
for gas sit can for pin can

Type of Name:

First Name, Middle Name, Last Name




Male, Female


Strength (mentally and physically)/Force
