How to pronounce Skarpness?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Skarpness in Jacksonville, FL

Skarpness is pronounced as

S K AA R P - neh ss

s sounds like the 's' in 'so'
k sounds like the 'k' in 'key'
aa sounds like the 'a' in 'car'
r sounds like the 'r' in 'rat'
p sounds like the 'p' in 'pet'

Skarpness is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ S K AA R P - neh ss ]

S K AA R P -
so key car rat pet  

Type of Name:

Last name




Male, Female



Additional Information:

Ancestors and Descendants of Tomas Bjorngard ++ Ola Larson Gronseth and his wife, Mali Rollaugsdatr Krislok Gronseth ++ Christopher Knudson Thorseth (Torset) and his wife, Mali Rollaugsdtr Krislok Gronseth Thorseth. Ola and Mali immigrated to America from Hegra, Norway on April 25, 1866 on the ship "Victor" arriving in Quebec on June 9, 1866. This work was researched and assembled by Mali's grand children, Tony Roget, Denn00 Thorseth, Jean Wendt Marthaler, and Jerry Skarpness.


Pronunciation of Skarpness in Jacksonville, FL

Sk arp ness

Type of Name:

Last name




Male, Female



Additional Information:

Ancestors and Descendants of Tomas Bjorngard ++ Ola Larson Gronseth and his wife, Mali Rollaugsdatr Krislok Gronseth ++ Christopher Knudson Thorseth (Torset) and his wife, Mali Rollaugsdtr Krislok Gronseth Thorseth. Ola and Mali immigrated to America from Hegra, Norway on April 25, 1866 on the ship "Victor" arriving in Quebec on June 9, 1866. This work was researched and assembled by Mali's grand children, Tony Roget, Denn00 Thorseth, Jean Wendt Marthaler, and Jerry Skarpness.
