How to pronounce Micallef?

5 entries

Pronunciation of Micallef

Micallef is pronounced as

m ih k ae l eh f

m sounds like the 'm' in 'me'
ih sounds like the 'i' in 'it'
k sounds like the 'k' in 'key'
ae sounds like the 'a' in 'at'
l sounds like the 'l' in 'let'
eh sounds like the 'e' in 'pet'
f sounds like the 'f' in 'fan'

Micallef is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ m ih k ae l eh f ]

m ih k ae l eh f
me it key at let pet fan


Pronunciation of Micallef


MI as in MIck

CULL as in sKULL without the s.

EF as in lEFt

Type of Name:

Last Name




Male, Female


"who is like god?" intended as a challenge and a question rather than a description. the rhetorical answer being "no one is like God".

Additional Information:

originates from the same hebrew word as the common first name Michael veriants.

as Micallef is a surname it is possible for a person to be called Michael Micallef. effectively naming them twice with the same name from two languages.


Pronunciation of Micallef

Micallef is pronounced as

m ih - k UH L - eh f

m sounds like the 'm' in 'me'
ih sounds like the 'i' in 'it'
k sounds like the 'k' in 'key'
uh sounds like the 'u' in 'up'
l sounds like the 'l' in 'let'
eh sounds like the 'e' in 'pet'
f sounds like the 'f' in 'fan'

Micallef is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ m ih - k UH L - eh f ]

m ih - k UH L - eh f
me it   key up let   pet fan

Type of Name:

Last Name




Male, Female


"who is like god?" intended as a challenge and a question rather than a description. the rhetorical answer being "no one is like God".

Additional Information:

originates from the same hebrew word as the common first name Michael veriants.

as Micallef is a surname it is possible for a person to be called Michael Micallef. effectively naming them twice with the same name from two languages.


Pronunciation of Micallef

Mi (like MIckey) - ca - lef (like LEFt)


Pronunciation of Micallef

