How to pronounce Mclachlan?

4 entries

Pronunciation of Mclachlan


Mac LOCH lan
loch a pronounced as in Scotland "law ch", "ch" is the guttural sound

as sounds like the 'as' in 'gas'
in sounds like the 'in' in 'pin'


Pronunciation of Mclachlan in US

Mclachlan is pronounced as

m uh k l AH k l uh n

m sounds like the 'm' in 'me'
uh sounds like the 'u' in 'up'
k sounds like the 'k' in 'key'
l sounds like the 'l' in 'let'
ah sounds like the 'a' in 'car'
n sounds like the 'n' in 'no'

Mclachlan is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ m uh k l AH k l uh n ]

m uh k l AH k l uh n
me up key let car key let up no


Pronunciation of Mclachlan in Scotland

Mac loch lan

Type of Name:

Last name




Pronunciation of Mclachlan

Ma clack lan
