How to pronounce Marykate?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Marykate in Philadelphia, PA, USA


Marykate is pronounced as

m ai r ee k ai t

m sounds like the 'm' in 'me'
ai sounds like the 'ai' in 'pain'
r sounds like the 'r' in 'rat'
ee sounds like the 'ee' in 'see'
k sounds like the 'k' in 'key'
t sounds like the 't' in 'to'

Marykate is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ m ai r ee k ai t ]

m ai r ee k ai t
me pain rat see key pain to

Type of Name:

First Name


Hebrew, Greek



Alternate Spelling(s):



see additional info

Additional Information:

Mary- has several meanings in Hebrew it means: sea of bitterness, rebelliousness, or wished for child. Mary comes from the Hebrew name Miryamin. In egyptian it means:beloved(mry) or loved(mr). Also Mary is a biblical name for the virgin mary.
Kate- Comes from the name Katherine which is Greek but the history is debated. It comes from the Greek name Aikaterine. This name could come from the older name hekateros meaning "each of the two" or the goddess' name Hecate which was a goddess associated with witchcraft, tombs, demons and the underworld. It could also come from the Greek word aikia meaning torture. Or it could come from the Coptic meaning my consecration of your name. It later became associated with the name katharos meaning pure. There is also a 4th century saint bearing that name


Pronunciation of Marykate in Philadelphia, PA, USA



Type of Name:

First Name


Hebrew, Greek



Alternate Spelling(s):



see additional info

Additional Information:

Mary- has several meanings in Hebrew it means: sea of bitterness, rebelliousness, or wished for child. Mary comes from the Hebrew name Miryamin. In egyptian it means:beloved(mry) or loved(mr). Also Mary is a biblical name for the virgin mary.
Kate- Comes from the name Katherine which is Greek but the history is debated. It comes from the Greek name Aikaterine. This name could come from the older name hekateros meaning "each of the two" or the goddess' name Hecate which was a goddess associated with witchcraft, tombs, demons and the underworld. It could also come from the Greek word aikia meaning torture. Or it could come from the Coptic meaning my consecration of your name. It later became associated with the name katharos meaning pure. There is also a 4th century saint bearing that name
