How to pronounce Kiiza?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Kiiza

Kiiza is pronounced as

k z uh

k sounds like the 'k' in 'key'
z sounds like the 'z' in 'zen'
uh sounds like the 'u' in 'up'

Kiiza is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ k z uh ]

k z uh
key zen up

Type of Name:

family (last) name


Tanzania (Swahili)

Additional Information:

Swahili family (last) name from Tanzania


Pronunciation of Kiiza

Pronounced Key-zah

Type of Name:

family (last) name


Tanzania (Swahili)

Additional Information:

Swahili family (last) name from Tanzania


Similar sounding names

  • Kaiya
  • Kazuho
  • Khokah
  • Keiko
  • Keisha
  • Kaw
  • Kacie
  • Kia
  • Kaes
  • Kae