How to pronounce Kaldur?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Kaldur

Kaldur is pronounced as

k ae l d er

k sounds like the 'k' in 'key'
ae sounds like the 'a' in 'at'
l sounds like the 'l' in 'let'
d sounds like the 'd' in 'do'
er sounds like the 'ur' in 'hurt'

Kaldur is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ k ae l d er ]

k ae l d er
key at let do hurt

Type of Name:

First Name


Ancient Atlantian



Alternate Spelling(s):

Caldur, Calldur, Kalldur, Caldure, Kaldure, Kalldure, Calldure, Kalder, Calder


This name means Prince of the Sea, Warrior of the Sea, Protecter of the Sea, and Guardian of the Sea

Additional Information:

Historians believe that the roots of this name go back mythological times, the time when it was thought that the City of Atlantis existed. This name origins from the story of an Atlantian warrior named Kaldur who practiced mystic arts. He also worked for the King of Atlantis. He was in love with an Atlantian girl named Tula. But Tula only thought of him as a friend and instead fell in love with his best friend. One fatal day, Tula died in battle. Kaldur was so upset that his heart turned dark and he drowned all of Atlantis in anger with Atlantian magic. This name is uncommon in America but more common in parts of Asia and Europe.


Pronunciation of Kaldur


Type of Name:

First Name


Ancient Atlantian



Alternate Spelling(s):

Caldur, Calldur, Kalldur, Caldure, Kaldure, Kalldure, Calldure, Kalder, Calder


This name means Prince of the Sea, Warrior of the Sea, Protecter of the Sea, and Guardian of the Sea

Additional Information:

Historians believe that the roots of this name go back mythological times, the time when it was thought that the City of Atlantis existed. This name origins from the story of an Atlantian warrior named Kaldur who practiced mystic arts. He also worked for the King of Atlantis. He was in love with an Atlantian girl named Tula. But Tula only thought of him as a friend and instead fell in love with his best friend. One fatal day, Tula died in battle. Kaldur was so upset that his heart turned dark and he drowned all of Atlantis in anger with Atlantian magic. This name is uncommon in America but more common in parts of Asia and Europe.
