How to pronounce Holgate?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Holgate in Nova Scotia, Canada

Holgate is pronounced as


Holgate is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ HOLE-gate ]

Type of Name:

Last name


Flemish, English

Additional Information:

William the Conqueror sailed from the Flemish seas side town of Houlgate (OOL-gat) to conquor England in 1066. Some of the townspeople who supported him achieved prominence in the English court and church. In the mid 1500's a Holgate was named as the Archbishop of York.


Pronunciation of Holgate in Nova Scotia, Canada


Type of Name:

Last name


Flemish, English

Additional Information:

William the Conqueror sailed from the Flemish seas side town of Houlgate (OOL-gat) to conquor England in 1066. Some of the townspeople who supported him achieved prominence in the English court and church. In the mid 1500's a Holgate was named as the Archbishop of York.
