How to pronounce Eberly?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Eberly in Henrico, VA

Eberly is pronounced as

EH buur lee

eh sounds like the 'e' in 'pet'

Eberly is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ EH buur lee ]


Type of Name:

Last Name


Germany, German-speaking Switzerland

Alternate Spelling(s):

Eberle seen on a bottle of German wine


From "Dictionary of Family Names:" "EBERLY (German) From eber, a boar, and ly, like; indicating courage, fierceness, bravery. "

Additional Information:

Virginia Eberly family descended from Pennsylvania "Dutch" German and German-speaking immigrants. The family is also known to be present in Pennsylvania and Georgia currently.


Pronunciation of Eberly in Henrico, VA

Three syllables:

eh, with a SHORT e

burr, like when you're cold

lee, like in Bruce Lee

Type of Name:

Last Name


Germany, German-speaking Switzerland

Alternate Spelling(s):

Eberle seen on a bottle of German wine


From "Dictionary of Family Names:" "EBERLY (German) From eber, a boar, and ly, like; indicating courage, fierceness, bravery. "

Additional Information:

Virginia Eberly family descended from Pennsylvania "Dutch" German and German-speaking immigrants. The family is also known to be present in Pennsylvania and Georgia currently.


Similar sounding names

  • Eberle
  • Evarill
  • Ebarle
  • Epperly
  • Everly
  • Evroula
  • Everley