How to pronounce Cairns?

6 entries

Pronunciation of Cairns in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Cairns - My family is from Northern Ireland, and currently lives in Canada, and we pronounce Cairns with the 'r'. Basically it rhymes with "hair", with an 'n' on the end.

The pronounciation you have on your website is more typical for Australia, I believe.

Type of Name:

last name




Pronunciation of Cairns


Cairns is pronounced as

k ae r n s

k sounds like the 'k' in 'key'
ae sounds like the 'a' in 'at'
r sounds like the 'r' in 'rat'
n sounds like the 'n' in 'no'
s sounds like the 's' in 'so'

Cairns is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ k ae r n s ]

k ae r n s
key at rat no so


Pronunciation of Cairns in Australia

Cairns is pronounced as

k AE nz

k sounds like the 'k' in 'key'
ae sounds like the 'a' in 'at'

Cairns is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ k AE nz ]

k AE
key at

Type of Name:

The city in Australia

Additional Information:

In Australia the R is silent. Rhymes with bans, cans, tans.


Pronunciation of Cairns in Caerphilly, Glamorgan, Wales, United Kingdom

Cairns is pronounced as

K EH n z

k sounds like the 'k' in 'key'
eh sounds like the 'e' in 'pet'
n sounds like the 'n' in 'no'
z sounds like the 'z' in 'zen'

Cairns is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ K EH n z ]

K EH n z
key pet no zen

Type of Name:

Last Name




Cairn, pile of rocks, tor, rock

Additional Information:

Derives from the Old Gaelic "carn" meaning cairn i.e., a pile of stones raised as a boundary marker or a memorial.

This interesting surname is of Scottish territorial origin from the lands of Cairns in the parish of Mid-Calder, Midlothian.


Pronunciation of Cairns in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Cairns is pronounced as

K ai r n s

k sounds like the 'k' in 'key'
ai sounds like the 'ai' in 'pain'
r sounds like the 'r' in 'rat'
n sounds like the 'n' in 'no'
s sounds like the 's' in 'so'

Cairns is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ K ai r n s ]

K ai r n s
key pain rat no so

Type of Name:

last name




Pronunciation of Cairns

