How to pronounce Bitfoyle?

1 entry

Pronunciation of Bitfoyle in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Bitfoyle is pronounced as

b ih t f oo y l ee

b sounds like the 'b' in 'bat'
ih sounds like the 'i' in 'it'
t sounds like the 't' in 'to'
f sounds like the 'f' in 'fan'
oo sounds like the 'oo' in 'food'
y sounds like the 'y' in 'yes'
l sounds like the 'l' in 'let'
ee sounds like the 'ee' in 'see'

Bitfoyle is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ b ih t f oo y l ee ]

b ih t f oo y l ee
bat it to fan food yes let see

Type of Name:

Name of a user



Alternate Spelling(s):



A kind of unique personality who can exist in its lowest or the highest form only.

Additional Information:

a user created word which is a combo of bit and foyle . Bit came from binary and foyle came from one of the cast of Silicon Valley American Comedy TV series.
