How to pronounce B'tselem?

2 entries

Pronunciation of B'tselem in New York, New York, United States

B'tselem is pronounced as b ih t S EH l eh m

b is pronounced as b in bat
ih is pronounced as i in it
t is pronounced as t in to
s is pronounced as s in so
eh is pronounced as e in pet
l is pronounced as l in let
m is pronounced as m in me

B'tselem is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ b ih t S EH l eh m ]

b ih t S EH l eh m
bat it to so pet let pet me




"in the image of"

Additional Information:

B'Tselem (Hebrew בצלם, "in the image of", as in Genesis 1:27) is an Israeli non-governmental organization (NGO) that describes itself as The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories. It was founded in 1989 by a group of Israeli public figures, including lawyers, academics, journalists, and members of Knesset.


Pronunciation of B'tselem in New York, New York, United States


em - rhymes with 'them'




"in the image of"

Additional Information:

B'Tselem (Hebrew בצלם, "in the image of", as in Genesis 1:27) is an Israeli non-governmental organization (NGO) that describes itself as The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories. It was founded in 1989 by a group of Israeli public figures, including lawyers, academics, journalists, and members of Knesset.
